This week for Children’s Mental Health Week we are exploring the story of Ruby’s Worry. We are also going to be doing lots of fun activities to help us be aware of our emotions and to be able to express ourselves! The activities can mean we know how to help ourselves when we have a worry. Something I loved doing this week was exploring how some people believe dream catchers can help with worries! : ) Look at our class page for lots more activities this week to enjoy creatively expressing yourself!
Join in with Mrs Brophy singing three little ducks and try to learn the Makaton signs too :)
Just a little video that I will be doing every Monday :) I may mention this weeks learning activities, special mention of children, any reminders, or just a video to say Hey. This weeks learning still carrying on with Winter and Hibernation as you can tell I am still in my cave, wearing winter clothing and making a hot chocolate to keep warm ( one of the activities for this week) Enjoy! Ms Hedington x